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Are Those Stretch Limos Really Safe?

Roberts Wilson, P.A. | October 12, 2018

Last weekend, there was a deadly crash that killed 18 people celebrating a birthday and 2 pedestrians in upstate New York. The crash involved a stretch SUV limousine that has raised safety concerns about modified vehicles like these. The vehicle had recently failed inspection and driver did not have a proper license to drive this type of vehicle. While is not known if the crash was caused by driver error or vehicle malfunction, the driver was reportedly going too fast.

Stretch limousines have been called Frankenstein vehicles because they are created by modifying a vehicle by sawing it in half and adding to the middle and piecing it back together. When this is done, safety features like seat belts and airbags are often removed. A vehicle that is chopped up and extended is not going to perform the way it was designed and tested in a car crash. If you change the size of the vehicle, the brakes and tires are not going to perform the same way in a crash.

Another safety concern is the way people behave in stretch limousines. Passengers are also less likely to buckle up because it is a party atmosphere and people feel safer if they are riding in the back. Unbelted riders can become flying hazards to belted passengers as their bodies can hurl through the interior at terrible speeds during a crash.

Stretch limousines are not regulated to meet safety standards set by the federal government as other vehicles. Even though this stretch limousine was recently inspected, the inspection failure was ignored by the owner. Because highway safety specialists tend to focus on changes that can save a large number of lives, making stretch limousines safer is not likely going to become a high priority, even in the wake of this catastrophic crash. The most important thing you can do if you find yourself in a stretch limo is buckle up in the back!

If you are someone you know has been injured in a car accident or otherwise, call Roberts Wilson, PA at 662-533-9111 to talk to an injury lawyer to see if we can help you!